Whilst the subject matter of my stitch practice and writing in a tangible sense are closely aligned, the feelings that embody my thoughts and aptitudes about life and my day to day existence as an ageing woman have a major impact on the making process. These are feelings that are both autobiographical and at the same time hold universal tensions. Vulnerable tensions, which if I am not attentive too can impact on the integrity of my work. No longer is it a case of crafting figurative work of something knowable. Rather my stitch practice has evolved into a space where matters of feeling unfold — matters that are not-yet-known or fully realised. Thus this idea of stitching into the mystery of things continues to pull me towards a more experimental and intuitive engagement with my fabric and threads.

… consequences of a life’s mysteries

dart recklessly in

ruffled seams knotty with ambiguities

cast themselves adrift beneath the skin …


Feelings Series


Book of Feelings