The Book of feeling, is a continuous project in making. Each blank page consists of fragments of linen and silk, dyed in onion skins as a metaphor for the multiple layers of skin. I approach every page with a meditative sensibility, allowing my stitches to make their sojourn into the not-yet-known. Some pages like Rebirth, do not reveal their character until near the end of completion. Others, like Melancholy, speak to me almost immediately, my stitch muse guiding me on. During the stitching of Melancholy, I became aware of intense feelings of flatness, of being haunted by something not quite understood…

Book of feeling (cover front), 2021. Embroidery and drawn thread work on onion skin dyed silk organza and linen. Photograph Jae Criddle.

Book of feeling (open layout), 2021. Embroidery and drawn thread work on onion skin dyed silk organza and linen. 1000mm x 280mm. Photograph Jae Criddle.

Book of feeling: Curiosity (page), 2021. Embroidery on onion skin dyed silk organza and linen. 380mm x 260mm. Photograph Jae Criddle.

Book of feeling: Empathy (page), 2021. Embroidery and bead work on onion skin and berry dyed silk organza and linen. 380mm x 260mm. Photograph Joy Denise Scott.

Book of feeling: Melancholy (page), 2021. Embroidery on onion skin dyed silk organza and linen. 380mm x 260mm. Photograph Joy Denise Scott.

Book of feeling: Passion (page), 2021. Embroidery on onion skin dyed silk organza and linen.380mm x 260mm. Photograph Joy Denise Scott.

Book of feeling: Perseverance (page), 2021. Embroidery on onion skin dyed silk organza and linen. 380mm x 260mm. Photograph Joy Denise Scott.

Book of feeling: Rebirth (page), 2021. Embroidery on onion skin dyed silk organza and linen. 380mm x 260mm Photograph Joy Denise Scott.

Book of feeling: Love (page), 2021. Embroidery on onion skin dyed silk organza and linen. 380mm x 260mm Photograph Joy Denise Scott.

Book of feeling: Joy (page), 2021. Embroidery on onion skin dyed silk organza and linen. 380mm x 260mm Photograph Joy Denise Scott.

Book of feeling:Exuberance (page), 2023. Embroidery and collage, eco dyed silks. 380mm x 260mm. Photography Joy Denise Scott

Book of feeling: Mindfulness (page). 2023. Embroidery and collage. Eco dyed silks. 380mm x 260mm. Photography Joy Denise Scott