The Relic Series evolved from my reflections on the ageing female body in contemporary society. In these stitched works I tap into my anxieties about ageing, fed by the continuous and intense media coverage of the global pandemic and my fearfulness around catching Covid 19.
The foundational structures for the works Feeling my way into meaning, What lies beneath my breast, and Skin 1, are constructed from mulberry bark and cotton organdie, dyed with onion skins to represent ageing flesh. Embroidery and applique techniques are applied directly to the bark. In these three works I draw on weave stitches as a metaphor for emotional repair, seed stitches to depict the breath, as in one’s physical and spiritual vitality, and randomly placed french knots and bullion stitches to highlight the messy relational entanglements of daily living.
Feeling my way into meaning, is a portrait of my hand. A reference to the sexagenarian female body. Here I suggest, contemporary society places value on youthful beauty and surface appearance. Whereas, although invisible most of the time to the contemporary social eye, there is beauty and knowledge to be discovered, in the markings of experience on the ageing body.
spraying apart the wrapping of seasoned meat
unpinning this once upon a time elastic flesh
embroidering feelings that lie between
the historied layers of this hand
real bodies have their lives stitched into them.

Stitching my way into meaning, 2020. Embroidery on onion skin dyed mulberry bark and cotton organdie and wire. 590mm x 480mm. Photography Jae Criddle.

Skin 1, 2021. Embroidery on onion skin dyed mulberry bark and cotton organdie. 150mm x 200mm. Photography Jae Criddle.
What lies beneath my breast, is a portrait of my ageing breasts. This piece represents feelings and how they are closely connected to how we experience the world. I am drawing on feelings to challenge and unravel my personal thinking and expectations about life. I ponder on my culture’s societal values and the restraining character of patriarchy, and how these factors seep into the minute details of my daily existence as a sexagenarian woman.
…threads and stitches of the flesh
arranged to unbalance the smooth tongue of fiction
uncovering the complexities of the real…

What lies beneath my breast, 2021. Embroidery and applique on mulberry bark, silk organza and cotton organdie dyed with onion skins. 650mm x 490mm. Photograph Jae Criddle.

What lies beneath my breast (detail), 2021. Embroidery and applique on mulberry bark, silk organza and cotton organdie dyed with onion skins. Photograph Jae Criddle.